Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Mirror of Success

The Mirror Of Success


hen you look into the mirror, the person staring back at you is the only person responsible for your success. No one else is the cause of your success or to blame of your shortcomings. We learned early in life that in order to succeed, we have to possess tremendous desire that is ingrained in our conscious and subconscious self.  Although each one of us has a unique and different view of what is meant to be successful, I always believe that success is a journey and not a destination.

Dealing with our journey, only few people are lucky enough to become successful by accident for one must undergo a process. Success requires both mission and vision of how you want to live your life and the courage to stick to it. This must be reflected back to our own mirrors so that we can have something to ponder upon. It is a very simple act, yet it requires commitment; it is not hard to do but does require hard work. The good news is that once you begin, the results start coming instantly. For every single step towards success, one attracts more success.

By gazing on our personal mirrors, we can evaluate ourselves through the spectrum that we are trying to create in line with our vision. Sometimes, our mirrors capture the moment when we are taking a quite honest look at ourselves and reflecting on how we shall move forward amidst every challenge. Overcoming all the barriers we’ve seen on it will lead us to the proverbial pot of gold at the rainbow’s end.

However, we are all human beings, we have our flaws. Sometimes we feel tired and the more we accept it, the more we will be exhausted. In the quest of life, everybody experiences fear of failure, uncertainty, insecurity, low self-esteem, indecision, depression, nervousness, and embarrassment. These are all trials along the line, a condition that should be taken with positive action.

 We must feel good about ourselves, our abilities and potentials. Do not dwell on every mistake we made. We should remember that positive thoughts have the great ability to shove aside difficulties and drives out those negative ones.

           Try not to focus negatively on how to come across the line. Instead, focus more on sticking to the plan, maintaining the vision by learning from setbacks and by reacting ourselves to the pursuit of the mission. There is no reason to stay stuck, doing things that are frustrating, boring, unhealthy, unproductive, demeaning or unfulfilling. So be cheerful, be optimistic. Always think forward for someday you will realize that you need to smile back at the person you see in the mirror. B

SOC AQUILATO is a graduate of Bachelor of Education in Elementary Education Major in Mathematics at Caraga State University.

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