Saturday, October 20, 2012



A journey to a thousand miles begins with a single step.
                                                             - Lao Tzu

The Bugle Call Team has created a webpage for the Bugle Call (Kabalikat Edition) which features the same contents that can be seen on its printed version. This allows it to be read not only by OCS Alumni who cannot have the publication's printed copy but also by people in every corner of the world. The Bugle Team believes that this is also one way of addressing the call for the PAOCS to establish a certain level of visibility, which, as of the present time, is undeniably needed by our institution.

BE ONE OF US. BE an OCIAN. We Are What The World Is Waiting For.

Baccalaureate Degree holder 
Natural Born Filipino Citizen 
Height : at least 5' for both male and female 
With pleasing personality and high scholastic records 
No pending case in any court of law 
Physically and mentally fit for training 
Single and is not supporting any child 
Between 21 and 25 years old on the date of admission at OCS 

Initial Requirements:
College Diploma 
Transcript of Records 
NSO issued Birth Certificate 
Curriculum Vitae (for Civilian applicants) 
Summary of Information (for Military applicants) 
2x2 picture

Army Recruitment Center (Main Office)
Fort Andres Bonifacio, Taguig City
Landline: (02) 845-9555 local 6843
Cell phone: 0921-9785548

Army Recruitment Center for Visayas
Camp Lapu-lapu, Lahug, Cebu City
Landline: (032) 231-5157

Army Recruitment Center for Mindanao
Camp Evangelista, Cagayan de Oro City
Landline: (088) 350-2088

Officer Candidate School : Home of the Professionals.

Philippine Army Officer Candidate School, Training and Doctrine Command, Camp O’Donnell, Brgy Sta Lucia, Capas, Tarlac.

“From this School shall emerge the most seasoned officers of the Philippine Army.”

Thursday, October 11, 2012



Hail to thy OCS 

Oh hail to thee 

With loyal hearts do homage we 

Tried through the years we’ve come today 

Pray God to lead the way 

Thy sons in meekness bow their heads 

With faces up we’ll stand to sing 

Oh hail to thy name OCS 

Hail to thy OCS 

Oh hail to you 

Our beacon thy wisdom shall be 

As light to guide us on our way 

Wherever we shall be 

And when the Lord of land and sea 

Call us to heaven still will sing 

Oh hail to thy name OCS 



Go placidly amidst the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals; and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.

And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labours and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul. With all its shams, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

Don't Quit

Don’t Quit

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
when the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
when the funds are low and the debts are high,
and you want to smile but you have to sigh,
when care is pressing you down a bit
rest if you must but don't you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns.
As everyone of us sometimes learns.
And many a failure turns about when he might have won had he stuck it out.
Don't give up though the pace seems slow
you may succeed with another blow.

Often the goal is nearer than it seems to a faint and faltering man;
often the struggler has given up when he might have won the victor's cup;
and he learned too late when the light came down,
how close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out - the silver tint in the clouds of doubt,
you never can tell how close you are,
it may be near when it seems so far;
so stick to the fight with your hardest hit - it's when things seem worst that
you must not quit.